Sunday, June 18, 2017

Cycling jersey

So last weekend my husband and I participated in our first sprint triathlon, which was both so much harder and more fun that I anticipated! We both love exercise, but had never done a triathlon. It was a relay race where he did the biking and I swam and ran. While we only got a finishers medal, I was just happy that we made it to the end! This race was, of course, a sewing opportunity for me to make us matching tops! The splatter spandex fabric is from The Fabric Outlet.
I made his cycling top using the Jalie 2216 pattern. I really like this pattern as it was easy to customize it to fit him very nicely. Next time I make it I will have the zipper extend to the top of the collar, however.

My top was not quite as exciting. I just copied a running shirt that I had at home. I was running out of fabric, so my shirt is snug fitting, but that is OK for an exercise shirt I guess!

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